Jeffree Star is an internationally known YouTube beauty guru, with millions of views and an eponymously named makeup brand. Famous for his exotic creations, the focus of many of his videos is on his hand as he applies makeup, which might leave people wondering if Jeffree Star is left handed.

Jeffree Star is not left handed. There are numerous videos and pictures of Star signing autographs using his right hand. Given that up to 90% of the population is right handed, it’s not a surprise that Star would fall into this category of handedness.

Keep reading to learn more about Jeffree Star, people who are left and right handed, and whether there is any truth to myths surrounding left handed people.

Red Bull and Right Handed

Jeffree Star’s career began as a Myspace music artist. Star moved to Los Angeles after high school, and worked part-time as a makeup artist, while focusing on his music career. 

During his time in the music scene, Jeffree Star recorded one studio album, Beauty Killer, but ultimately left the music industry when a record deal with Akon fell apart. Instead, Star moved his social media base to YouTube and began recording makeup tutorials and product reviews.

In 2014, Jeffree Star launched Jeffree Star Cosmetics, which has gone on to be one of the most successful makeup brands in the history of cosmetics. Star has also gone on to be one of the top YouTubers with over 18 million subscribers to his channel. 

In his videos, Jeffree Star usually applies his makeup with his right hand and drinks his favorite beverage, Red Bull with his right hand as well. In fact, Star holds the energy beverage on his channel so often that Red Bull took to Twitter to write a post about it, simply titling the caption, “Mood.”

 However, despite applying makeup with his right hand, Jeffree often swatches onto his left hand and he also holds his iconic star-shaped hand mirror with his left hand. Like most people, Star is dominantly right handed, but can still complete some tasks with his left hand.

You can watch Jeffree Star’s right handed dominance in this Youtube video below.

Southpaw Stigma Subsides

Given how big of a deal is made out of being right hand or left hand dominant, scientists have begun to examine the ways in which right handed and left handed people differ. Right or left hand dominance seems to begin in the womb, where fetuses show a preference for one or the other, though most children don’t solidify their dominance in one hand until they are toddlers.

Since right handedness is so prevalent around the world, some people often wonder why left handedness has not died out among the population, as have numerous other evolutionary disadvantages. Archaeologist Natalie Uomini has a theory, saying, “The idea is that in hand-to-hand combat, or in combat with weapons, there is an evolutionary advantage to being a minority left-hander. If you’re left-handed, you have a surprise advantage because most people are used to fighting against right-handers.”

Regardless of the reasons southpaws have stuck around, they have created a rare niche in the retail market, with all kinds of items being fitted for left handed people than when using the average item created for the dominantly right handed society. Though the stigma of being left handed has lessened over the years, there are still many pervasive myths about left handed people.

Being left handed is associated with early death and the onset of poor mental health, but it is also associated with being more creative. Despite multiple studies into left and right handedness, science has not come up with a definitive answer as to whether or not left hand dominance is actually indicative of these things and vice versa.

If Jeffree Star is any example, creativity is clearly not just dependent on being left handed, as Star’s claim to fame is his over-the-top, inventive makeup looks. 
